About Me

My photo
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Tis the season....

Wow - has 2009 flown by - or what?!?!?! I cannot believe 2009 is coming to an end! I posted a new family picture of the Tucker's. Anytime we do a family picture - we all make at least some pictures with the crazy faces.

For all of my Facebook friends - please view my blog to see the picture at http://tucker-millerfamily.blogspot.com/

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I am finally into the "holiday" spirit! I finally heard my favorite Christmas Song playing in a store - and I thought "NOW - now I am in the spirit!"... I know I am crazy! :-)

My favorite Christmas song is that "Christmas Wrapping" song by the Waitresses. I just love that song! It is upbeat - and fun! "Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas - Couldn't miss this one this year..."

"Bah, humbug!" No, that's too strong
'Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy

To add to my already mad rush
Just 'cause it's 'tis the season.
The perfect gift for me would be
Completions and connections left from

Last year, ski shop,
Encounter, most interesting.
Had his number but never the time
Most of '81 passed along those lines.

So deck those halls, trim those trees
Raise up cups of Christmas cheer,
I just need to catch my breath,
Christmas by myself this year.

Calendar picture, frozen landscape,
Chilled this room for twenty-four days,
Evergreens, sparkling snow
Get this winter over with!

Flashback to springtime, saw him again,
Would've been good to go for lunch,
Couldn't agree when we were both free,
We tried, we said we'd keep in touch.

Didn't, of course, 'til summertime,
Out to the beach to his boat could I join him?
No, this time it was me,
Sunburn in the third degree.

Now the calendar's just one page
And, of course, I am excited
Tonight's the night, but I've set my mind
Not to do too much about it.

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.

Hardly dashing through the snow
Cause I bundled up too tight
Last minute have-to-do's
A few cards a few calls
'Cause it's r-s-v-p
No thanks, no party lights
It's Christmas Eve, gonna relax
Turned down all of my invites.

Last fall I had a night to myself,
Same guy called, halloween party,
Waited all night for him to show,
This time his car wouldn't go,

Forget it, it's cold, it's getting late,
Trudge on home to celebrate
In a quiet way, unwind
Doing Christmas right this time.

A&P has provided me
With the world's smallest turkey
Already in the oven, nice and hot
Oh damn! Guess what I forgot?

So on with the boots, back out in the snow
To the only all-night grocery,
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
In the line is that guy I've been chasing all year!

"I'm spending this one alone," he said.
"Need a break; this year's been crazy."
I said, "Me too, but why are you?
You mean you forgot cranberries too?"

Then suddenly we laughed and laughed
Caught on to what was happening
That Christmas magic's brought this tale
To a very happy ending! "

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Couldn't miss this one this year!
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Couldn't miss this one this year!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Welcome to Not Me! Monday!

Ok, so this past week was eventful to say the least...

I didn't go shopping on Thursday and make all of my kids go with me b/c thier father was at work, so I could get an outfit/dress for the work Christmas party. My 14 year old didn't call me a jerk 3 times while going into the mall b/c he didn't want to go with us and wanted to go home to do homework and study for 2 tests. I, then, didn't make him watch the 4 year old while I was in the dressing room off and on for over an hour. I didn't hear him huffing and puffing and whining to me that he needed to get home for that hour either. I didn't want to smack him right in the middle of the store and not care that anyone seen or heard me. I didn't take my sweet time just to make him miserable - even more - and then not feel guilty later for doing it. :-) I then didn't hear my 4 year old say to me, "hey momma, is that a fat dress?" b/c he hears me say that I am wearing fat clothes. I then didn't put all of the dresses back and go with black pants and a nice top instead...

I didn't find out the next day that he didn't even have his books to "study" for his tests...that he so desperatly needed to get home the night before to do... uh huh! He didn't come out to the truck when I was taking him down to the bus with NO BOOKBAG!!!! HELLO!!!

I also didn't, seriously,overbook my Saturday with the morning consisting of family pictures, and the afternoon of baking cookies with the Tucker girls and then going to my work Christmas party that evening. I didn't nearly want to choke both of my boys, the 4 year old and the 14 year old while trying to do family pictures. They didn't jut stand there while we are taking pictures and not smile or not look at the camera. I didn't try and bribe my kids with anything and everything just to try and get a nice picture for our Christmas card. I didn't even go to the extreme of almost grounding the 14 year old and taking the 4 year old out in the garage so the other family members wouldn't hear me scold him. Although, they smiled finally when we got back inside - I didn't feel really guilty for doing that to them. I am not such a mean mom... I, then, didn't go to my work Christmas party, after baking cookies all day, and dance ALLLLLLL NIGHT LONG...with most of the people watching and making fun of the "dancers / partiers". I also didn't stay up until 3 a.m. thinking that I am 20 again, to then only get 4-5 hours of sleep on Saturday night and then again, on Sunday.

I didn't invite friends over for lunch for my husband to leave to go to work on Sunday. Then I didn't allow my friend to organize my refrigerator by taking out all of the contents, throwing stuff out and wiping it down. I didn't allow her and her family to see my unbelievably messy home especially with her being so tidy and organzied all of the time... I then didn't think about cleaning, to then no touch my messy house b/c I was too tired from the night before of dancing...

So that is it for my crazy week last week...let me know how yours went.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas = Bah Hum Bug

Bah Hum Bug....
I don't know why I am in this mood...but I am not ready for it to be Christmas this year. Sure, I have most of my Christmas shopping done. I already have the Christmas tree up and the mantle and the steps all decorated. We have the lights up outside and it looks really pretty on our new house. We have even played Christmas music (which I somewhat detest) to try and get me into the "mood" but it didn't work. Dawson continues to sing his Christmas songs for his program. He sounds so cute... We have watched ELF about 3 times, but we watch that all year long, so that hasn't worked. I have made the lists for the kids and handed them out. We have looked at NUMEROUS toy ads, magazines, catalogues, toys at the store and online ... but, again, it hasnt' worked.
So, I need your help! Someone - anyone, tell me a story or anything to try and get me into the mood. Tell me what movie to watch or what book to read or something...

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Where did time go? It feels like just yesterday that I was basking outside in 80 degree weather, the trees were full of green, lush leaves and it was beautiful! Now you look around and the trees are stark and my mums are even dying. Where did the time go in between? Brandon was playing Football and now he is on to Basketball! Gabs was playing softball and having lots of practices but that is over until after the 1st of the year. Dawson has since gone from 3 to 4 years old and he acts crazier and crazier each and every day!

Don't look now because just around the corner is Thanksgiving and then all of the hussle and bussle of Christmas shopping and the RUSH of all of the holiday teas, parties, baking cookies and the family get-togethers!

So many people are putting what they are thankful for on Facebook each day. Every day I see new postings about healthy kids, candle-lit baths, husby's or wive's, shopping, jobs, roofs over their heads, their church, being saved, etc. I am definately THANKFUL for all of the blessings that have been put into my life including all of them mentioned above (minus the candle-lit baths - not really into them that much). When I asked the husby what he is thankful for he said, "This nice home" when I asked Brandon what he is thankful for he said, "Our house" and when I asked Gabs what she is thankful for she said "My family, food, a house, friends and a bunch of more stuff" and when I asked Dawson what he is thankful for he said, "My own DS" (which he doesn't have one so I guess that may be a hint for Christmas ... lol) and then he said , "Jaden, Heaver, Uncle Kevin, and Phaniel" and then I asked him if he was sure and that he didn't want to put anyone else on that list (like me or Daddy, or anyone else) and he said "NO" and he walked away! WHAT is up with that?!?!? LOL!!! You just never know what is going to come out of his mouth! :-) Nutty little kid!

So now I want to challenge all of my blog friends or my Facebook friends to tell me what they are thankful for!!!! Don't be shy! Just think about how many times we go through life and don't speak about what truly touches us.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope each of us will truly reflect on the many blessings that God has given us.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Just keep dancing!

Dawson ~ My now 4 year old ~ lives life to the fullest!

Dawson has the best outlook on life. He plays with his toys and changes his mind however many times he feels like it - and he loves to make a mess. He plays with girl toys or boy toys and it doesn't matter to him because he doesn't know the difference. He wears his cowboy boots everywhere - even in his underwear when he gets out of the shower. (he he) Or with shorts in the summer. He does it because he loves them and he doesn't care what other people think. He also loves to snuggle with his mom because he needs nurtered and loved. He does it because he likes to. He loves to dance and rock out and he does it just have a good time even if it is every night we are home. He loves to wear costumes (batman, spiderman - good or bad) and he will even wear it to bed because it helps him feel safe at night in his sometimes scary room.

This is a Happy Birthday (my little Halloween baby) to the COOLEST 4 year old I know. Without him in our lives - it would be so boring! He breathes life and laughter into everyone he meets.

Friday, September 25, 2009

~ N U T S ~ :-)

  • Work is nuts - always cash to post, g/l reconciliations and adjustments but I am thankful I have a job.
  • Home is nuts - always cleaning to do, laundry and organizing but I am thankful for a nice home and a roof over my head.
  • Kids are nuts - always running around taking either Brandon or Gabby to and from practices, arguing over eating their food, doing chores, homework, etc. but I am thankful for them because they are my life and without them I would be lost.
  • Hubby is nuts - always picking up my slack, helping around the house, cutting grass, working and helping me organize and I am so thankful for him. He is the best hubby a person could possibly have. I love him a ton!!!
  • I am nuts - always doing homework, going to school, going to work, playing with the kids, spending time with the hubby but I wouldn't have it any other way. This is my life - as crazy as it is - it is mine!

***Don't cry over the choices you have made in the past or what will happen in the future. Live for today because you might not get a tomorrow!!***


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh my....so much has happened!!!

My BF April (so, I totally do not know how to link her blog here like she does with me...) has been posting about us and our new house. I haven't been updating this blog, due to time constaints. So I am updating for you April!!! Love ya!!

Wow - we have been busy!

Since I last posted:
  1. We put a contract on a house, which was accepted.

  2. The kids finished school and started summer break.

  3. We had a Memorial Day Party at our old house - our last one there (tear...). That was our 4th and final one. I guess we can assume the tradition here. Not sure how that will work though.

  4. I have had 3 more classes at school with 2 of them at the same time.

  5. We packed (ok, so not really me - it was more like my poor hubby and kids) our whole entire house. With 3 kids - that is kind of rediculous!

  6. Gabby has played a ton of softball games....ugh...it has been HOT!

  7. We moved into the new house - 2 days of moving!

  8. We had Brandon's family b/day party at the new house - one week after we moved.

  9. We celebrated the 4th of July.

So, I am thinking about all that has happened and it occurs to me that my "baby" turned 14. That means only 2 months until he goes to High School, 1 year before he is able to start learning how to drive, 2 years before he can get a driver's license, 4 years and he graduates and goes off to college. That seems so bizarre by any stretch, because I feel like it isn't even possible. He is taller than me now, he is turning into a young man with manners and he is really handsome, if I say so myself!

When I think back over the years, back to when it was just the 2 of us (before Dave came into our lives). I remember some fun times and some scary times for me. Dom and I lived together to help each other out. Her and Scott were going through a divorce, Brett (the sperm donor) and I were on bad terms, I didn't have a stable job or a stable environment for him. But we all stuck together and made it. My dad was here back then and my beloved Grandma June. I miss them so.

Happy 14th Birthday Brandon!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Not Me Monday

We have had a crazy couple of weeks! Time sure does fly around the Tucker house.... Here is my "not me" version of the past couple of weeks! Enjoy!
  • We didn't have the Annual Memorial Day BBQ today and not invite half of the family! I didn't want to do the annual BBQ but my hubby and his family wanted to .... so I relented and said the BBQ was a "go" but forgot to relay it onto other members of the family. DUH!
  • Our washer didn't call it craps this past week and we didn't go and buy a new washer and dryer today. Yikes! That was a ton of money...gone, just like that! Oh well, we will have a new washer and dryer on Saturday. So now, I won't have to wear dirty clothes next week. Thank goodness it is a B I G washer and dryer capacity so we can get going on all of the clothes that will be piled up.
  • We haven't been looking for a new house for the past couple of weeks and NO - I AM NOT crazy yet! Oy! If we could just take a couple of the houses and transplant them in the Fox School District with a level nice yard - then that would be ideal!
  • We are not looking for the most ideal house on a budget (LOL). We don't want a 4 br house, or 3 br with a walk out finished basement. Level yard, nice open floor plan, nice deck off of the back. You know - we are not looking for the Unicorn at all!
  • Gabs is NOT practically having daily meltdowns over the fact that she may have to go to a different elementary school next year. I finally didn't just yell at her tonight telling her to just chill out - that we hadn't even made any final decisions yet as she was yet (wait for it) having another crying session!
  • Brandon hasn't been demanding we only buy a house in the Fox High School area. He hasn't also basically said he wouldn't move if we did find a house in another school district. So, I guess he will just live with the new family that moves into our old house since he is not willing to move. That should be interesting! He does cut grass, cleans the bathrooms, can cook macaroni, vacuums and can mop and sweep the kitchen floor....they may take him afterall! LOL
  • So, in a nutshell, we are totally NOT limiting ourselves at all! Nope - we have so much room on where we can move it is not even funny. :-)
  • I didn't let my 3 year old wear shorts and cowboy boots out in public 4 times this past week. I also didn't let him wear cut off jean shorts, a faded t-shirt with his fishies peeling off and his snow boots to school, either. He isn't a very determined child - and he doesn't have his daddy's fashion stigma, uh, I mean style....
  • Dave and I had our anniversary this past week and we didn't get rid of the kids for a night! We also didn't wake up at the crack of dawn to go garage sale-ing. I did not get super excited over buying a pair of 'nine west' jeans for $1 and they were brand new with tags!! Can someone give me a "whoot whoot" ?? That was my deal of the year so far!

Well, that is all on my "not me" soapbox! I hope everyone has had a great week!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not me....

Ok - so I am already beyond sick of school... I wish I didn't have to go anymore. I wish I already had my degree. I wish I had already done this before I became a mom. I wish I had more time with my family. I wish I could be like I Dream of Jeannie - and fold my arms and nod my head and "poof" I would already have my degree.

That is all for now...I have no additional energy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I can make a difference with your help!!!

Hi everyone! As many of you know, my sister-n-law, Lisa Tucker, has Multiple Sclerosis. She was diagnosed 2 years ago at 26 years old. What a shock to them and their families when they were told this very frightening news!

Having MS means you may not be able to walk when you wake up in the morning or you have problems with your vision being blurred. It also means you have problems with dizziness and being sleepy on a regular basis. But through all of this, Lisa, is one of the most courageous people I know. She doesn't wallow in self-pity because she has this disease. She goes about her daily life and rarely states how bad she really is feeling. I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments!

So, I want to make a difference with raising money for the National MS Society - Arnold Park Walk on April 18, 2009. It is a 1 - 3 mile walk to help fight against MS!!! Our whole family (The Tucker Family) has joined on to be a part of the "Francis-Tucker" Team along with some really great friends.

There are 2 ways you can help!
  1. If you would like to join our team and walk with us - that would be GREAT!!! The more the merrier! We are trying to be the BIGGEST team at the event!! You can sign up at the link below by clicking on "Join Nicole's Team" (which is really Lisa's).
  2. Or you can donate money towards our team because we would also like to raise the MOST money to show Lisa our support!! Just click on the link below and click on "Donate to participant".

We really need your help to raise money for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. The whole team would not be able to do it without you!

The link below will take you to our team page. It is really easy to pledge - even if it is a $1.00!!!! EVERYTHING would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you so much for all of your support! I truly appreciate all of my friends and family!!!

Many blessings!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Calgon - Take me AWAY!!!!

Do you ever go through life and want to run away - run away from it all? Well, I am just about there! Oh boy! If I could - I think I would right about now. I would like to run to the beach, or run to the mountains, or run to the desert or run to the beach... or run to the beach.... or run to the beach!!! Ok so - I really do not want to run away from my family or friends, just from the responsibilty of everything. Between work, school, exercising and eating "right" I feel like I have this gigantic and unbearable weight on my shoulders. Too many things to do and not enough time in the day to do it.
Do you see this picture above me here??? Let's go sometime!
I hope everyone is having a great week. I will post next Monday - my NOT ME MONDAY segment! Toodles ~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Not Me Monday

**I did NOT start my second class this past Thursday and again want to leave just about the time the professor starting talking. He is a "Doctor" from the main campus so of course he is super easy going and let us out early....NOT! I didn't get home Thursday until 10:45 at night and then couldn't go to sleep until after MIDNIGHT!!! I just don't think I can keep this lifestyle up for much longer without going I N S A N E !!!

**I did NOT go to Brandon's lock in at the Junior High on Friday night and put my foot in my mouth with one of his arch rivals. Duh! How more "uncool" can a mom be?!??#?$?% Me and my big mouth get me into more trouble than I know lately! Geez! No wonder he doesn't like want me around when I can't even control myself. I also didn't tell a girl she needed to pull her shirt up because her "girls" were just about hanging out. She is in 8th grade and showing just about everything!!! Give me a break! Where are the parents and why are they letting them out of the house with "booty" shorts on and teeny tiny super LOW cut shirts on??? Oh yeah - and better yet....why is the school not enforcing the dress codes? Do you know a male teacher cannot enforce the rules when it comes to the girls and what they wear? When I was discussing this issue with a male teacher - he said he cannot say anything because he is not supposed to be looking at them like that? Say what???? He can get charged with sexual harrassment.... Ok - so that doesn't make any sense!!! The only thing he feels comfortable doing is hoping the girls next teacher is female so he can then email the teacher to send her to the office. The whole thing is just messed up!!!

**I also haven't secretly been addicted to Facebook. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Facebook!!! I love seeing all of my old friends and keeping up with them! Because of Facebook I have spoken to and had lunch with my friend, Becky! I haven't seen her or spoke to her in several years. I also spoke to my friend, Shelly, whom I haven't spoken to in about 9 years. My friend, Rachel, from junior high came over this past Saturday with her adorable kiddos. It really was so much fun! The kids played well together! Dawson and Thomas ran around the house and laughed and giggled! Sophia and Gabby hung out in her room, watched movies and wrote notes back and forth. Rachel and I talked about everything life has thrown at us....

**I am not secretly addicted to Ebay either!!! Ebay is not totally convenient and wonderful! I cannot imagine buying anything and everything your heart desires on there! NOPE - CANNOT imagine it!!!

**I didn't skip church today to go to work for 4 hours. I haven't been to church in 4 weeks because of work and some other stuff! I really need to get back! Geez....now I feel totally guilty!

**I also didn't take my new glasses back to Crown Vision this week afte only wearing them for 2 days because the lenses didn't look like they fit the frames. I also didn't roll my eyes when the young girl told me my glasses were with today's style. I don't need some young little twit who is about 19 years old, skinny, long brown hair and really cute - that I need to be with todays style!!!! I think I am doing JUST FINE!!!

Everyone - Have a great week!!! ~Toodles~

Monday, March 9, 2009


No - I did not sign up for 2 classes this semester at school while working 45 - 50 hours a week at my new job!!! You would think I just have all the time in the world to work, do homework, play with the kids, play with the hubby (yeah that is right!), clean house, do laundry, cook dinners, keep up with my friends and have time to myself! HA HA!
No - I did not about go crazy my 1st week of class in Managerial Accounting and want to quit and walk out the door. I also didn't envision myself literally doing it. Once I got into my car, I also didn't scream at the top of my lungs because I had to relieve some pressure and then my head didn't hurt after doing such a retarded thing!
I also didn't then volunteer to have my brother's birthday gathering at my house and my house was not a complete mess! I DID NOT proceed to make my kids, my hubby and my mom help clean the house before they all came over while I went to Casa to give a friend the girl scout cookies. Oh - I almost forgot I didn't sit down with her and sip a little Margarita while everyone was at home cleaning!
Over the weekend, my son did not have a basketball tournament with 4 games that he wanted me to attend. I did not sit through 3 of the 4 games and shout at the players and coach while they were playing. He then did not remind me that he was embarassed. I also didn't consider sending Brandon away for a few years until he gets an attitude adjustment. Who was the idiot that said "raising teeagers is hard work" because as far as I can tell it is not hard work - it is next to impossible some days!!!!
Lastly, I did not order a coach purse on ebay and win! Dave is NOT going to kill me!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wow...it has been a crazy month!!!

A ton of stuff has happened since I last posted anything.... Let's see....

  1. I started a new job - (a wonderful, awesome, glorious job as an accountant at Delta Dental. I am sooooooo super-dee-dooper excited because it is closer to home <40>, they pay for my tuition at school, free dental and vision benefits for the family, a nice raise, bonuses, etc.......) It is just an awesome company! Praise God for all that He has done in my life!

  2. The Christmas Holiday! What a great time we had during Christmas, with the exception of my grandma not being around. We didn't spend as much this year because the kids really didn't need that much. It was nice with the hussle and bustle not around the holiday. So many times - we just run run run run run run and not have family time. Not this year - we slowed down a bit, I didn't have school for 3 1/2 weeks, and we spent time together.

  3. The NEW YEAR!!!! WOW - what a new year can bring.... A new start to something in my life. Last year I quit drinking soda. That was the 1st time EVER that I kept a resolution. Yes, I do not drink soda at all....but I likey my Sweet Tea! This year - since it is a new year....I want to change my lifestyle / eating habits. I am truely tired of the yo yo weight issue that I have had for years. So that is my "something new" for this year!

  4. David's Grandma turned 90 today. We had a huge party for her a couple of weeks ago. She had over 60 guests and kids / grandkids / great-grandkids come into town from Florida and Arkansas. It was really nice! She was able to see a whole bunch of friends she has known for years but cannot ever see.

  5. David and I are going through Membership classes at our new church! I love our new church!!!! South County Christian Center is awesome!!! I love the pastor, the praise and worship, the connection groups, the people....all of it!!!!
  6. Last but not least - God has done some really amazing stuff lately! I cannot wait to see what is coming next!