About Me

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Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Not Me Monday

We have had a crazy couple of weeks! Time sure does fly around the Tucker house.... Here is my "not me" version of the past couple of weeks! Enjoy!
  • We didn't have the Annual Memorial Day BBQ today and not invite half of the family! I didn't want to do the annual BBQ but my hubby and his family wanted to .... so I relented and said the BBQ was a "go" but forgot to relay it onto other members of the family. DUH!
  • Our washer didn't call it craps this past week and we didn't go and buy a new washer and dryer today. Yikes! That was a ton of money...gone, just like that! Oh well, we will have a new washer and dryer on Saturday. So now, I won't have to wear dirty clothes next week. Thank goodness it is a B I G washer and dryer capacity so we can get going on all of the clothes that will be piled up.
  • We haven't been looking for a new house for the past couple of weeks and NO - I AM NOT crazy yet! Oy! If we could just take a couple of the houses and transplant them in the Fox School District with a level nice yard - then that would be ideal!
  • We are not looking for the most ideal house on a budget (LOL). We don't want a 4 br house, or 3 br with a walk out finished basement. Level yard, nice open floor plan, nice deck off of the back. You know - we are not looking for the Unicorn at all!
  • Gabs is NOT practically having daily meltdowns over the fact that she may have to go to a different elementary school next year. I finally didn't just yell at her tonight telling her to just chill out - that we hadn't even made any final decisions yet as she was yet (wait for it) having another crying session!
  • Brandon hasn't been demanding we only buy a house in the Fox High School area. He hasn't also basically said he wouldn't move if we did find a house in another school district. So, I guess he will just live with the new family that moves into our old house since he is not willing to move. That should be interesting! He does cut grass, cleans the bathrooms, can cook macaroni, vacuums and can mop and sweep the kitchen floor....they may take him afterall! LOL
  • So, in a nutshell, we are totally NOT limiting ourselves at all! Nope - we have so much room on where we can move it is not even funny. :-)
  • I didn't let my 3 year old wear shorts and cowboy boots out in public 4 times this past week. I also didn't let him wear cut off jean shorts, a faded t-shirt with his fishies peeling off and his snow boots to school, either. He isn't a very determined child - and he doesn't have his daddy's fashion stigma, uh, I mean style....
  • Dave and I had our anniversary this past week and we didn't get rid of the kids for a night! We also didn't wake up at the crack of dawn to go garage sale-ing. I did not get super excited over buying a pair of 'nine west' jeans for $1 and they were brand new with tags!! Can someone give me a "whoot whoot" ?? That was my deal of the year so far!

Well, that is all on my "not me" soapbox! I hope everyone has had a great week!

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