About Me

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Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

MONEY.....will be the death of me

Is there ever enough money? I am sitting here balancing both checking accounts and realizing that the more we make the more we spend. The worst part is - we are spending this hard earned money on STUPID stuff. Stuff that doesn't really matter. Stuff that we could do without but yet we are not able to put it down and say no. Everything adds up. Everything including the morning stops at QT to get a coffee, the extra pieces of candy or drinks when we stop to get gas and the kids are begging for a snack, the extra fundraisers that pass by my desk at work (how can I say no to the parent of a fundraiser b/c I have been there and done that many times over), the eating out a couple of times a week instead of eating at home for the sake of "saving time" and last but not least the extra fun "activities" we do to show our kids we love them by taking them to the movies ($36.00 for the tickets, $20 more at the concession so in essence $50 later) or going to the skating rink for a family night and it ends up costing me $130 because I can't say no to my precious daughter because she is begging me for in-line skates....geesh... WHEN DOES IT END?

Obviously, after reading what I just wrote - I am the problem. I, obviously, cannot say no to anything. My parents said no all of the time...so why can't I? My parents said no because they just didn't have the money to buy anything. I cannot say no to my kids - is it because I can say yes because I think I have the money? I don't know...Money drives me nuts. Always striving to make more and more and more...but where does it get you in the end? Still with a balance in your checking accounts still wishing you had more....

1 comment:

KJA said...

It's a mentality - if you put that extra money that you are spending on silly stuff in a savings account, then you could be like your parents and say "we don't have the money". - You are not in this boat alone, most of us don't have the mind set. But I love your honesty!