About Me

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Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Just keep dancing!

Dawson ~ My now 4 year old ~ lives life to the fullest!

Dawson has the best outlook on life. He plays with his toys and changes his mind however many times he feels like it - and he loves to make a mess. He plays with girl toys or boy toys and it doesn't matter to him because he doesn't know the difference. He wears his cowboy boots everywhere - even in his underwear when he gets out of the shower. (he he) Or with shorts in the summer. He does it because he loves them and he doesn't care what other people think. He also loves to snuggle with his mom because he needs nurtered and loved. He does it because he likes to. He loves to dance and rock out and he does it just have a good time even if it is every night we are home. He loves to wear costumes (batman, spiderman - good or bad) and he will even wear it to bed because it helps him feel safe at night in his sometimes scary room.

This is a Happy Birthday (my little Halloween baby) to the COOLEST 4 year old I know. Without him in our lives - it would be so boring! He breathes life and laughter into everyone he meets.

1 comment:

The Baker's said...

Yep, he sure does. So glad we (you & I) didn't stop at 2, ya know? I can't imagine life w/out my crazy baby Aidan. He keeps us laughing. Like pee your pants & cry laughing!