About Me

My photo
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I can make a difference with your help!!!

Hi everyone! As many of you know, my sister-n-law, Lisa Tucker, has Multiple Sclerosis. She was diagnosed 2 years ago at 26 years old. What a shock to them and their families when they were told this very frightening news!

Having MS means you may not be able to walk when you wake up in the morning or you have problems with your vision being blurred. It also means you have problems with dizziness and being sleepy on a regular basis. But through all of this, Lisa, is one of the most courageous people I know. She doesn't wallow in self-pity because she has this disease. She goes about her daily life and rarely states how bad she really is feeling. I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments!

So, I want to make a difference with raising money for the National MS Society - Arnold Park Walk on April 18, 2009. It is a 1 - 3 mile walk to help fight against MS!!! Our whole family (The Tucker Family) has joined on to be a part of the "Francis-Tucker" Team along with some really great friends.

There are 2 ways you can help!
  1. If you would like to join our team and walk with us - that would be GREAT!!! The more the merrier! We are trying to be the BIGGEST team at the event!! You can sign up at the link below by clicking on "Join Nicole's Team" (which is really Lisa's).
  2. Or you can donate money towards our team because we would also like to raise the MOST money to show Lisa our support!! Just click on the link below and click on "Donate to participant".

We really need your help to raise money for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. The whole team would not be able to do it without you!

The link below will take you to our team page. It is really easy to pledge - even if it is a $1.00!!!! EVERYTHING would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you so much for all of your support! I truly appreciate all of my friends and family!!!

Many blessings!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Calgon - Take me AWAY!!!!

Do you ever go through life and want to run away - run away from it all? Well, I am just about there! Oh boy! If I could - I think I would right about now. I would like to run to the beach, or run to the mountains, or run to the desert or run to the beach... or run to the beach.... or run to the beach!!! Ok so - I really do not want to run away from my family or friends, just from the responsibilty of everything. Between work, school, exercising and eating "right" I feel like I have this gigantic and unbearable weight on my shoulders. Too many things to do and not enough time in the day to do it.
Do you see this picture above me here??? Let's go sometime!
I hope everyone is having a great week. I will post next Monday - my NOT ME MONDAY segment! Toodles ~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Not Me Monday

**I did NOT start my second class this past Thursday and again want to leave just about the time the professor starting talking. He is a "Doctor" from the main campus so of course he is super easy going and let us out early....NOT! I didn't get home Thursday until 10:45 at night and then couldn't go to sleep until after MIDNIGHT!!! I just don't think I can keep this lifestyle up for much longer without going I N S A N E !!!

**I did NOT go to Brandon's lock in at the Junior High on Friday night and put my foot in my mouth with one of his arch rivals. Duh! How more "uncool" can a mom be?!??#?$?% Me and my big mouth get me into more trouble than I know lately! Geez! No wonder he doesn't like want me around when I can't even control myself. I also didn't tell a girl she needed to pull her shirt up because her "girls" were just about hanging out. She is in 8th grade and showing just about everything!!! Give me a break! Where are the parents and why are they letting them out of the house with "booty" shorts on and teeny tiny super LOW cut shirts on??? Oh yeah - and better yet....why is the school not enforcing the dress codes? Do you know a male teacher cannot enforce the rules when it comes to the girls and what they wear? When I was discussing this issue with a male teacher - he said he cannot say anything because he is not supposed to be looking at them like that? Say what???? He can get charged with sexual harrassment.... Ok - so that doesn't make any sense!!! The only thing he feels comfortable doing is hoping the girls next teacher is female so he can then email the teacher to send her to the office. The whole thing is just messed up!!!

**I also haven't secretly been addicted to Facebook. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Facebook!!! I love seeing all of my old friends and keeping up with them! Because of Facebook I have spoken to and had lunch with my friend, Becky! I haven't seen her or spoke to her in several years. I also spoke to my friend, Shelly, whom I haven't spoken to in about 9 years. My friend, Rachel, from junior high came over this past Saturday with her adorable kiddos. It really was so much fun! The kids played well together! Dawson and Thomas ran around the house and laughed and giggled! Sophia and Gabby hung out in her room, watched movies and wrote notes back and forth. Rachel and I talked about everything life has thrown at us....

**I am not secretly addicted to Ebay either!!! Ebay is not totally convenient and wonderful! I cannot imagine buying anything and everything your heart desires on there! NOPE - CANNOT imagine it!!!

**I didn't skip church today to go to work for 4 hours. I haven't been to church in 4 weeks because of work and some other stuff! I really need to get back! Geez....now I feel totally guilty!

**I also didn't take my new glasses back to Crown Vision this week afte only wearing them for 2 days because the lenses didn't look like they fit the frames. I also didn't roll my eyes when the young girl told me my glasses were with today's style. I don't need some young little twit who is about 19 years old, skinny, long brown hair and really cute - that I need to be with todays style!!!! I think I am doing JUST FINE!!!

Everyone - Have a great week!!! ~Toodles~

Monday, March 9, 2009


No - I did not sign up for 2 classes this semester at school while working 45 - 50 hours a week at my new job!!! You would think I just have all the time in the world to work, do homework, play with the kids, play with the hubby (yeah that is right!), clean house, do laundry, cook dinners, keep up with my friends and have time to myself! HA HA!
No - I did not about go crazy my 1st week of class in Managerial Accounting and want to quit and walk out the door. I also didn't envision myself literally doing it. Once I got into my car, I also didn't scream at the top of my lungs because I had to relieve some pressure and then my head didn't hurt after doing such a retarded thing!
I also didn't then volunteer to have my brother's birthday gathering at my house and my house was not a complete mess! I DID NOT proceed to make my kids, my hubby and my mom help clean the house before they all came over while I went to Casa to give a friend the girl scout cookies. Oh - I almost forgot I didn't sit down with her and sip a little Margarita while everyone was at home cleaning!
Over the weekend, my son did not have a basketball tournament with 4 games that he wanted me to attend. I did not sit through 3 of the 4 games and shout at the players and coach while they were playing. He then did not remind me that he was embarassed. I also didn't consider sending Brandon away for a few years until he gets an attitude adjustment. Who was the idiot that said "raising teeagers is hard work" because as far as I can tell it is not hard work - it is next to impossible some days!!!!
Lastly, I did not order a coach purse on ebay and win! Dave is NOT going to kill me!!!!