About Me

My photo
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Missing her....

RIP ~ Florence June Carver ~

My Grandma June will be missed so much...
She brought so much comfort for me to hear her voice...
She had an opinion on everything and she would tell it to you...
She loved purses and shoes.
She loved her babies too...
She could talk and shop all day long...
I guess that is where I get it from...

I know you are smiling down from heaven.
Give Dad and Grandpa kisses when you see them. We miss you more that you will ever know.

Grandma June is the lady on the left in the pink. She was always there for me... I will miss her always and forever.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today...is a special day!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! Today is my mom's birthday! She is turning the whopping age of 56. She is so young in so many ways! She is a great mom.

Top 5 momemts with my mom....
  1. When she came down to the "Sunbeam Camp" I was attending when I was 8 years old. We had a ton of fun. But when she left, I cried the rest of the time becuase I missed her so much.
  2. When we were camping out at Bourbon - all of the summers we spent out their when we were kids were all very enjoyable! The cooking over the fire, bathing in the pond, peeing in the woods....it was crazy!! But so much fun!!
  3. When I bought my mom and I tickets to see "Mama Mia" the musical at the Fox for Mother's Day. We ate dinner on the campus of SLU and we went to the musical. It was great - She is my "Dancing Queen". :-)
  4. When we took Brandon and Gabby to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to see Dave and Dianne. We stopped in Chicago at the Navy Pier. It was a great time. The kids still love to see the pictures and talk about it.
  5. The day my mom walked me down aisle to marry my husband, Dave on May 22, 1999.

There are so many more days that come to mind. But way too many to list.

Remember to hug your mom and let her know you love her. You only have ONE mom and you should always make her feel special! Even if you don't agree with everything she does, you must love her for who she is.

After already losing one parent, I often worry about the time I have left with her.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Is it really almost over?!?!??

I am so thankful this election is FINALLY coming to an end. I have to say all of the negative ads, from all parties over all politcal agenda's, were staggering this year! I cannot listen to the radio without a political ad nor can I look at television (which doesn't happen very often) without a political ad knocking someone of what they are doing wrong or did wrong..... oy!

I remember the negative ads before - I remember them being daunting. But for some reason, this year seems really bad! Oh yeah, and let's not mention the one night I can watch television and Obama has to have 3 networks with a 30 minute "whatever it was" that was extremely annoying.

The bottom line: I AM SO GLAD IT IS ALMOST OVER!!!!

I know that everyone is not a fan of talking about politics. But I am going to say one thing - Go MCPALIN...!