About Me

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Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Teenagers....need I say more?

When did I turn from "Mom - who knows everything" to "Mom - who knows nothing"? Why does that happen?

Every time I turn around I am fighting with my 13 year old. Whatever happened to not speaking back or questioning your parents? Whatever happened to respect? I just don't know where to even begin....

Brandon has always been a great kid! Mostly willing to help, he recieved pretty good grades without putting forth a ton of effort, everyone's friend. Now he doesn't help without sarcasm and a fight, his grades have been slipping and again, we are fighting over this, too. He is still everyone's friend, except for mine (or so it seems) just look at his phone bill with the 50 plus text messages a day. Yes, we have unlimited text messaging.

If I ask him to help with Dawson - it is a fight or an excuse that makes it turn into a fight. If I ask him to clean the bathroom or do other chores - it is an excuse again or another fight. If I ask him to do his reading homework - it is an excuse or another fight. If I ask him to clean his room - it is another fight. If I ask for his help with anything - it reaks sarcasm when he answers me - and again we fight. If I ask him to participate in "family night" - he looks at me like I have 3 heads and then - you guessed it - another fight. When does it end????? AHHHHHH!

So, I finally have decided to STOP the fighting. How do you go from always raising your voice - to not doing it anymore? I have stopped and did the 10 breaths...that worked - NOT! I have stopped and walked away - he followed me. I have even stopped and said the Serenity Prayer.

GOD grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

This has helped me realize - it is something I can change. With God ALL things are possible! EVEN RAISING TEENAGERS! Imagine that...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So....I am going to try this whole "blogging" thing out.....

I will have to admit...I do not understand this whole blogging thing. I have been following my friend, April's, blog for a few months. I have really enjoyed her new pictures of baby Chase and the family. I also have enjoyed reading her postings since I have been really busy and could not keep up with what was going on in her life. So that is what started my interest in blogging.

Since we have family in Arkansas, Florida and Wisconsin I figured this would be a great way for them to keep up with us and all of the new pictures as I take of the family. But I still don't understand why anyone would want to read my babble... going on and on about all of the "stuff" we have to do in a weeks or months time. Are people really THAT bored with their own personal life they would want to hear my whining? Hmmm.... Ok, so maybe not bored, just nosy. Just kidding!

So let's see. Brandon is 13 now and is in 8th grade... What an age! One second I think he is absolutley adorable and so very handsome. AND then there are times I could just go nuts and spin my head around from all of the fighting. People keep saying. "It is just going to get harder... It won't get better anytime soon.... He is a teenager, what did you expect???...." Oh yeah - that last one was my favorite. Actually, there was a lady at a mini reunion recently that said, "Don't worry, honey, just chalk it up as Testosterone Poisoning"....

Gotta run...will blog more later...