About Me

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Steamboat Springs, Colorado, United States
My name is Nicole. I have been married to David for 12 years. I have 3 AWESOME kids - Brandon, 16, Gabby, 11, and Dawson, 5. We like to ride bikes, watch movies, play games and go camping as a family. In my free time (yeah, like what is that???) I like to read books - mostly Christian Fiction, take pictures, travel and spend time with kids and hubby.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not me....

Ok - so I am already beyond sick of school... I wish I didn't have to go anymore. I wish I already had my degree. I wish I had already done this before I became a mom. I wish I had more time with my family. I wish I could be like I Dream of Jeannie - and fold my arms and nod my head and "poof" I would already have my degree.

That is all for now...I have no additional energy.